Vienna to Linz Train

​Explore two stunning cities in one train trip! Set on a Vienna to Linz train and admire the fantastic views of Europe!
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Train from Vienna to Linz

434 km
Travel time

Travel time

7h 39 m

Trains per day

Train Ticket Cost

Reverse route

Departures per day


Vienna to Linz Railway Map

Without a doubt, hopping on Vienna to Linz train is one of the most convenient ways to move between these two charming Austrian towns. The great advantage of this travel option is that both departure and arrival stations are located right in the heart of the city and can be easily reached by public transport.

​What is more, apart from enjoying top-notch amenities and excellent service on board, during the ride, you get to see some truly beautiful natural landscapes passing by the outside of the window.

Train Information for Vienna to Linz

The following information about train stations will help you plan your journey smoothly from Vienna to Linz

Vienna Hauptbahnhof
Alfred-Adler-Straße 107, 1100, Vienna, Austria

Arriving at

Linz Hauptbahnhof
Bahnhofplatz 3- 6, 4020, Linz, Austria
Vienna to Linz Railjet Train Coach Classes
In general, economy (2nd class) is enough for most travelers. First class might not be much more expensive than 2nd class, but you should see what prices you get because 1st class might not be much more expensive. In the 2nd class section, the seats are arranged 2+2 across the car width, mostly unidirectional with a couple of tables for 4 people, perfect for families. Refreshment trolleys can be found in most trains, or you can dine in the restaurant cars.
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In first class, leather seats are arranged as 2+1 across the car's width, rather than 2+2 in economy. Solo seats are available on one side of the aisle, while tables-for-2 are available on the other side. There is no food or drink included, but orders are placed at your seat and food is brought to you, so you do not need to visit the restaurant car.
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Business class is the most luxurious class. The Czech Railjets have just six luxurious leather cradle seats arranged 1+1 across the car width in a small area at one end. Several semi-compartments are available in the Austrian Railjets, which have 16 leather cradle seats. Food is not included, but stewards will take your orders from the restaurant car menu and deliver them to your seats.
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FAQ: What to Know About Vienna - Linz Train

Book Austrian Train Tickets

Tips on the Vienna to Munich Train Route
  • Train boarding
    Check-in is not required, just be on board when the doors close a minute before departure time.
  • Luggage
    There are no weights or measurements on luggage, so you can take it in with you and put it on any suitable rack near your seat.
  • Food & drink
    ÖBB Railjets have a restaurant car and 1st class customers can order food and drink directly from the restaurant car menu and pick them up at their seat. There is, of course, no restriction on you bringing food and drinks along, even a bottle of beer or wine.
  • Power sockets and WiFi
    In all classes of Railjets trains, WiFi and power sockets are available for free

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